Conference / Paid participation
DevOpsBy 2016
16 October 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Free of charge
IT Entrance 2016
15 October 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
IT Legal FAQ
4 October 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
Cloud Autumn
1 October 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
29 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
Первый Scratch meetup с EPAM в ПВТ
28 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
Инструменты управления продажами и маркетингом (iSM)
27 - 28 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
H-Files #7
24 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
AgileTour Belarus 2016
24 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Forum / Free of charge
ИКТ-форум BIT-2016 в Минске
15 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Free of charge
Я.Субботник в Минске
3 September 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
Python Meetup 29.07.2016
29 July 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
MobileOptimized 2016
15 - 16 July 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Hackathon / Free of charge
Чат-бот хакатон (Минск)
8 - 10 July 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Free of charge
15 - 17 June 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
JavaDay Minsk 2016
11 June 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Meetup / Free of charge
The Rolling Scopes Summer Summit
3 - 4 June 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
IT Spring 2016
28 - 30 May 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
Startup Weekend
14 May 2016
Minsk, Belarus
Conference / Paid participation
GDS Conference
30 April 2016
Minsk, Belarus


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