Open Source Tech Conference 0 / Lennart Poettering: "Portable Services are Ready to Use" / Онлайн трансляция / 10 августа 2020 - 13 августа 2020

Open Source Tech Conference 0

10 августа 2020 (пн), 16:00 - 13 августа 2020 (чт), 20:00


Lennart Poettering: "Portable Services are Ready to Use"


Portable Services are Ready to Use

Portable Services bring certain aspects of containers to classic systemd service management. With systemd v239 Portable Services are for the first time complete and ready for users to take advantage of. In this talk we'll have a look on the underlying technical concepts, how things fit together and what the precise limitations and benefits are.

Lennart Poettering​
Germany. Berlin
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat

Lennart Poettering hacks on systemd and other stuff. He works for Red Hat and lives in Berlin.

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