Open Source Tech Conference 0 / Andrei Laperie: "Zephyr Networking overview" / Онлайн трансляция / 10 августа 2020 - 13 августа 2020

Open Source Tech Conference 0

10 августа 2020 (пн), 16:00 - 13 августа 2020 (чт), 20:00


Andrei Laperie: "Zephyr Networking overview"

Zephyr Networking overview​
First, an in-depth overview on where we are with networking, what are the features of the networking stack. Then, a story on how IP stack has evolved in Zephyr. Lastly, a brief roadmap and things-to-do for Zephyr networking.

Andrei Laperie​
Finland. Espoo
Engineering Manager, Zephyr and Linux connectivity

Andrei Laperie, Engineering Manager, Intel Open Source Technology Center For last 10+ years I was in charge of open source teams working in communications domain both in Nokia (communication support for all Maemo products) and Intel (OTC, BlueZ, ConnMan, Zephyr comms stack). Personal interests include coding for fun, making smart home gadgets and RC.

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