Linux Piter / Daniel Nagy: "Swarm: Distributed storage for Ethereum, the Turing-complete blockchain" / Санкт-Петербург, Россия / 21 ноября 2015

Daniel Nagy: "Swarm: Distributed storage for Ethereum, the Turing-complete blockchain"


Swarm: Distributed storage for Ethereum, the Turing-complete blockchain

The presentation is about the architecture and implementation of Swarm, a distributed storage platform running on top of Ethereum's p2p network layer. The purpose of Swarm is to store Ethereum's "public record" including the block chain in a distributed and sufficiently redundant fashion, but the more interesting use is to host Đapps (distributed web-applications). The presentation focuses on this use case. From the end user's perspective, Swarm is not that different from WWW, except that uploads are not to a specific server but "to Swarm". Questions of FUSE-based support are briefly discussed.

Daniel Nagy​
Венгрия. Будапешт
Managing director 
EMCePoint Systems Ltd.

Даниэль Надь, разработчик в проекте Ethereum. В сфере финансовой криптографии работает с 2006-го года в своей компании ePoint Systems.PhD по прикладной математике из Queen's University (г. Кингстон, првинция Онтарио, Канада), диплом инжинера-связиста из Будапештского Технического Университета (г. Будапешт, Венгрия).

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