Open Source Tech Conference 0 / Alexander Bokovoy: Evolution of identity and authentication in Red Hat Enteprise Linux 8 and Fedo... / Online / 10 August 2020 - 13 August 2020

Open Source Tech Conference 0

10 August 2020 (Mon), 16:00 - 13 August 2020 (Thu), 20:00


Alexander Bokovoy: Evolution of identity and authentication in Red Hat Enteprise Linux 8 and Fedora distributions​


Evolution of identity and authentication in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and Fedora distributions​

2019 marks 40 years anniversary since the introduction of system identity calls in Unix V7: `getpwnam()`, `getgrnam()`, `getpwuid()`, and `getgrgid()` allow to retrieve infromation about users and group registered in UNIX environment. Four decades since that time, they are still in use in all POSIX-compatible operating systems. In 2019 Red Hat has released Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. In this talk we are looking at the changes that happened to identity and authentication subsystems in RHEL 8 in the context of overall changes in IT industry for the last 25 years.

Alexander Bokovoy
Espoo, Finland
Sr.Principal Software Engineer​
Red Hat

Sr. Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, working on security and identity management. Actively participates in FreeIPA, SSSD, Samba, and many other free software projects targetting an open enterprise 

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Irina Saribekova
+7 (921) 903-45-17


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