Meetup / Free of charge
Open Students Smart Talk
27 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Conference / Paid participation
Код информационной безопасности 2017 | СПб
27 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Lecture / Free of charge
Embedded Group Meetup
26 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Hackathon / Free of charge
22 - 23 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Tournament / Paid participation
Турнир по волейболу «IT Match Ball #4»
22 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Hackathon / Free of charge
Fintech Hackathon
21 - 23 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Conference / Paid participation
Mobius 2017
21 - 22 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Hackathon / Free of charge
Alfa Agile Хакатон
21 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
PS JAVA MEETUP #2: говорим о Kafka и современном frontend для Java
20 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Сourse / Free of charge
Курс проектных решений «Agile Lab»
20 April 2017 - 18 May 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Lecture / Free of charge
Битва IT умов по версии ОЛЛИ
17 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Lecture / Paid participation
Language, Music and Computing
17 - 19 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Conference / Paid participation
ПрофсоUX — конференция #1 для UX-профессионалов в России
15 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
IT talk SPb: «Полнотекстовый поиск для ленивых»
13 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia


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