Linux Piter 2016 / Pavel Kurochkin, Denis Gabidullin: "Creating high-speed NIC on FPGA-powered Linux from scratch" / Saint Petersburg, Russia / 11 November 2016 - 12 November 2016

Linux Piter 2016

11 November 2016 (Fri), 13:00 - 12 November 2016 (Sat), 18:00

Pavel Kurochkin, Denis Gabidullin: "Creating high-speed NIC on FPGA-powered Linux from scratch"


Creating high-speed NIC on FPGA-powered Linux from scratch

Any of us sometimes should write a network driver :) Some of us also have to develop a hardware design and to implement network interface controller on FPGA.

In our speach we plan to cover such topics:

- NICs hardware internals: how it works, how it is done. What kind of interface is between CPU and NIC?  We'll speak not only about commodity hardware, but also about embedded linux solutions.  
  - what should developer do to make network interface appeared in linux? We'll start from basics: how to transfer packets to and from hardware NICs. Than we plan to tell about performance issues, interrupt processing effiency, etc...  
  - what should developer do to support NIC management functions, such as link auto-negotiation controlling, network address changing, link speed setting? what kind of interfaces exist in linux kernel for that tasks?

Our report oriented for all levels of developers, and we'll do our best to make it interesting even for junior developers and students.

We would like to see you at our report. Welcome!

Pavel Kurochkin
Russia. Saint Petersburg
STC Metrotek

CTO at STC Metrotek. Began as FPGA developer, worked in different environment, such as linux drivers, network programming, shell, Qt GUI and even highload systems development. Believes in Unix Way, tries to simplify rather than complicate. Last projects: high load monitoring system of multiple RTP video streams, new generation of ET/ETL-N devices produced by STC Metrotek this year.

Denis Gabidullin
Russia. Saint Petersburg
Lead developer
STC Metrotek

Lead developer at STC Metrotek. Has long-term experience in highspeed FPGA RTL and linux drivers development. Likes full control of everything in any system and code. Last projects: 10/40/100 gigabit ethernet communication platform, new generation of ET/ETL-N devices produced by STC Metrotek this year.

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