Linux Piter 2016 / Александр Крижановский: "Tempesta FW: yet another Linux kernel Web-accelerator" / Saint Petersburg, Russia / 11 November 2016 - 12 November 2016

Linux Piter 2016

11 November 2016 (Fri), 13:00 - 12 November 2016 (Sat), 18:00

Александр Крижановский: "Tempesta FW: yet another Linux kernel Web-accelerator"


Tempesta FW: yet another Linux kernel Web-accelerator

Tempesta FW is the first and only open source hybrid of its kind - both an HTTP accelerator (reverse proxy) and a multi-layer firewall. It is specially designed to deliver web content at top speed while providing maximum protection against a range of web application attacks. Tempesta FW is built into the Linux TCP/IP stack and implements lightweight in-memory database optimized for NUMA systems, Tempesta DB, used for Web content and firewall rules storage. Typical scenarios for Tempesta FW are HTTP layer DDoS mitigation and high performance Web content delivery using commodity hardware.

We will discuss these topics:
  1. modern OS, Linux in particular, issues in applications to Web stack (filtering, Web server, application layer, DBMS);
  2. why do we need yet another Web accelerator and how Tempesta FW differs from Nginx, Varnish, HAProxy and even TUX and kHTTPd and the last ones were not quick enough;
  3. typical use cases (CDN, cloud, filtering networks etc.);
  4. main features (Web cache, load balancing, filtering, TLS);
  5. frequently asked questions about kernel implementation, performance and reliability;
  6. system requirements, configuration examples, and how to build and run the project.

Alexander Krizhanovsky
Russia. Moscow
Tempesta Technologies

Alexander is founder and CEO at Tempesta Technologies Inc and lead developer of Tempesta FW. He's also CEO and founder of NatSys Lab., a company providing consultancy in high performance computing in Linux/x86-64 environment. Alexander has more than 10 years of experience in Linux kernel development.

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